Strange Library
Chemicals Behind the Colours of Autumn Leaves
Self-Contained Hootenanny
Star Trek in Cinerama
History of Citröen
A Million Times
The Nomad Diet
Cellophane 3-D
Steve Powers
I consider Steve Powers a Brooklyn typography superhero. The building featured in this video is directly outside my apartment building. It makes me smile every time I walk by.
The Only Note To Self
“…This is the only note to self: other people are real. That’s all there is to learn. It takes forever, but you can start now.”
The Only Note To Self, by Frank Chimero
“Whatever the problem, be part of the solution. Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles.”
—Tina Fey
15 Career Tips from Smart Women.
Sposnor // IKEA Time Travel Continues
The IKEA time travel experiment continues and this time with Jeff and Beth. In the 2nd installment hypnotist Justin Tranz guides a young couple through a series of challenging life events including a marriage proposal and a boisterous teenager. See the complete video here.
Justin Tranz has done well over 6,000 stage shows and is the only hypnotist in history to ever legitimately perform on Broadway. He has helped thousands in their bid to stop smoking, lose weight or attain other personal goals. He has also worked with medical professionals, corporate executives, and athletes in all sports and levels of competition.
With the Time Travel Experiment, IKEA collaborated with Tranz to put the spotlight on events that change how we live and our everyday lives. And in this film becoming parents is portrayed, which is one of the biggest transitions of them all.
Here’s a link to the first episode in case you missed it.
Also worth viewing:
IKEA Time Travel Episode 1
Sarp Sozdinler
Tom haugomat
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Thanks to this week's Sponsor // CodeinWP: A PSD to WordPress development agency that provides quality themes to clients across the globe.Caitlin Keegan
Caitlin Keegan recently updated her website with some some stellar new projects including this 2015 lunar calendar. In addition’s to her hand-drawn typography, the calendar features vegetable-based inks, space to write important dates and a charming moon illustrated in Caitlin’s signature style.
Also worth viewing:
Chad Michael Studio
Sarp Sozdinler
Tom haugomat
Follow us on RSS, Instagram, Pinterest, Wanelo,
Thanks to this week's Sponsor // CodeinWP: A PSD to WordPress development agency that provides quality themes to clients across the globe.So what actually is the UK?
In celebration of Scotland voting against independence, now seems like the perfect time to visualise something that frequently comes up in conversations with my American friends: what actually is the UK?
We Brits might laugh at Americans' confusion over the difference between England and Britain, but I’ve lost count of the amount of British people who think the UK is just another term for Britain. (Spoiler alert: it’s not.)
It’s easy to see where the confusion arises, though: not only are the terms used interchangably in the media, but we also have the added oddness of being a country that has other countries inside of it, not to mention the island formerly known as Ireland, of which now only part is called Ireland, and which part is also classed as Europe, and not the UK at all. It can be tricky. Don’t even get me started on The City of London being inside a city called London…
Let’s start things off by looking at a map of the British Isles:
However, maps can be confusing, so let’s remove the geographical representations for a second and look instead at the individual countries; for now, just England, Wales, and Scotland:
The island of Great Britain is made up of these three countries. Given this fact, and that accents vary so drastically within each of these countries as it is, note that it’s physically impossible for such thing as a ‘British accent’ to exist. There, I said it.
Now let’s introduce Ireland, or, more specifically, Northern Ireland. It is not part of Great Britain (historially because it’s a separate land mass), but it is part of the UK. If in doubt, just remember that the UK is shorthand for The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Lastly, we have Ireland, which — although physically attached to Northern Ireland — is a separate country that’s part of Europe, and that’s the reason why you’ll often find region selectors on websites listing ‘UK & Ireland’. However, it is considered part of the British Isles, which describes the geographical grouping of the various islands in this region. (We have a bunch of small, self-governing islands, too, but that’s for another day.)
And there you have it! Now you can settle arguments by sending people to this blog post (or the rabbit hole of Wikipedia), and all will be well with the world. Hurrah!
Announced: Friday Likes 100 Bonanza
296 Reasons to Like Fridays on Brand New

To commemorate that we have published 100 editions of Friday Likes — spanning May 2012 to September 2014 — I have gathered every single project in one page. Each one links directly to the designer's project page. It's like the ultimate identity Pinterest board. Enjoy!