Tripp and Tyler Share a Clever Collection of Life Hacks to Make Life Easier
- What’s the brief? (thanks)
- Wallet-Sized Engagement Ring Case for the Sneakiest of Proposals
- “The Eyefi Mobi Card automagically syncs to your phone, resulting in a 20-second DSLR-to-Instagram workflow.”
- This Three in One Wagon is supercool. Makes me want to be a three year old.
- 101 years after the first box of Crayola rolled off the factory line, Wired looks at how the iconic crayons are made.
- I would have never thought I’d say “wow, these guns are gorgeous”. But I just did: 1890′s Handguns decorated by Tiffany
- Different kind of broken systems
- A Five Story House that hangs off the edge of a cliff. Seriously.
- You drink coffee, I drink tea.
- Why Starbucks spells your name wrong
- Helicopter drawing by Adel Abdessemed. Makes my job look boring.
- Wow: A Glass Pot.
- Get Dancing.
- Here’s how you make a Classic French Apple Tart.
- How sugar affects the brain.
- Here’s how your newsletter looks in various desktop mail clients. Found in Mailchimp’s Email Design Reference. It teaches you everything you need to know to build a mobile-ready template.
- The fine folks over at Mule are looking to hire a Junior Designer.